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Zero Pressure Loss or Discharge with the EFP

Do you have a water pressure concern due to friction losses? Do you want to test your system without having to discharge foam? How about not even having to discharge water?!

Well, Fire Lion Global has the solution for you!! The Electronic Foam Proportioner (EFP) can test your system without discharging foam concentrate, without discharging water, and has ZERO PRESSURE LOSS in your water line!!

It also maintains full FM approvals on all foam types and requires only an easy programming change if the agent percentage changes. The change takes about 1 minute, and anyone can make it.

There is also ZERO MAINTENANCE on the unit, and the control valves automatically test themselves every 24 hrs to ensure they are working properly. Unlike mechanical proportioners, an override function allows for manual operation if needed.

Click here to learn more about our Electronic Foam Proportioners, or contact Fire Lion today with questions. We are here to move the industry forward with advanced technology options for your foam system needs.